The @UoNCareerOffice hosted Gitiha Secondary School from Kiambu for a Career Guidance session and tour on Friday February 4, 2022.
Today, most High School students if not all share similar goals: either to pursue their higher education in local Tertiary, Colleges and universities or to secure opportunities abroad to further their studies. However, most of them still face several challenges in making selections of their course of study, lack of knowledge on the evolving job market that should in return influence their career choices and shying away from considering entrepreneurship as an option to employment to curb the high rate of unemployment in the country.
The UoN Office of Career Services has therefore been mandated to engage High School students offering them career advice and also recruiting them to consider joining the University. This entails;
- Providing details on various aspects of student’s life in the University that will include testimonials from current students, parents, alumni and staff
- Using informative brochures at recruitment events including most attractive features at the institution and its programs already with name, phone number and email of the Career Office for prospective students to contact directly
- Planning recruitment events in conjunction with high school principals and teachers
- Addressing obstacles to enrollment e.g. if students will need financial aid or specific courses (bridging courses) before attending universities and tertiary institutions