An interview is any job seekers door to a potential employer and only offers one chance to impress. Any job seeker’s goal should be to be as impressive as possible for the employer to offer them a job.

But keep in mind that it’s also an opportunity for the interviewee to interview the interviewers on the company and job so that one can assess if they can fit in the job.


  1. Do research on the company on their website, Facebook page, Twitter feed, and other social media before the interview so that you have an idea on what products/services the company offers. If you happen to have the interviewer’s names, also research about their professional backgrounds.
  2. Do know the kind of interview you are likely to have; if it is a panel interview or one on one, it will help you prepare better and avoid anxiety during the interview.
  3. Do ask how long the interview is likely to last to enable you plan your day.
  4. Do ask the street name of the interview location, building, floor, parking if driving and accessibility of public transportation if need be.
  5. Do project confidence right from the moment you walk into the interview room. Sit up, lean slightly forward and keep eye contact with the interviewer. If the interview is being conducted by a panel, engage with each interviewer.
  6. Do stay poised and relaxed even if an unexpected question comes your way. Ask for a minute to think and answer calmly.
  7. Do let the interviewer feel in control and take lead in the interview, follow the direction the conversation takes.
  8. Do go into the interview room ready to showcase your achievements, abilities and skills that make you a good fit for the position.


  1. Don’t dress down because this gives an impression that the interviewee does not take the interview seriously. A formal look is encouraged.
  2. Don’t panic or lose your cool and don’t rush when answering questions.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to clarify something in the middle of the interview if need be.
  4. Don’t skip the pre-interview research preparation stage.
  5. Don’t deviate from the interviewer’s questions. Tailor your answers in a way that answers the question, stays on the topic in question.
  6. Don’t lie about past jobs slipups or lie about skills you do not possess.
  7. Don’t talk ill of a past employer or boss. Even if your previous job ended badly, find something positive to talk about your past work experience.
  8. Don’t come unprepared with questions for the interviewers based on your research of the company.

These are just some tips to help you prepare for your interview. Researching about the employer offering the job is of key importance and preparing a winning CV. Apart from that, confidence and a good mastery of your skills and the value you will add to the position must be highlighted.

The Office of Career Services will keep posting more career-related information to impart knowledge to our students as they prepare for the job market.